اللي بتقرا لائحة الكتب والأفلام الممنوعة بلبنان، في احتمال عالي جدا انو تصاب بنوبة قلبية أو عصبية، إلا اذا كانت من جماعة الأمن… more »
“What a fuckin’ fine piece of art,” he said.
Well, in a club, sometimes “street slang” is considered sexy considering how sober you are.
She giggled.
- Where you from?
أعاصير الهوموفوبيا تضرب روسيا… وأخبار دولية أخرى
أعاصير الهوموفوبيا تضرب روسيا تم اعتقال أبرز الناشطين الروسيين في مجال حقوق المثليين/ات في مطار موسكو بعد ان كان من المفترض ان يغادر الى جنيف، من… more »
How Do You Feel About Your Hymen?
The Hymen. Symbol of virginity, chastity, and a patriarchal symbol of honor… We have been brought up to believe that our hymens are… more »
Meem EroTICs at the Internet Governance Forum
Last week, I went to Vilnius, Lithuania to represent the Lebanon team of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC)’s Exploratory Research Project into… more »
Why I Had To Leave
Saturday morning, and I’m as usual kicked out of the house so mom can clean up. I hit the only art café that… more »
Reflections On Gay Parenting
There comes a time when you look into your partner’s eyes, and all you can think about is how badly you would like to have a child with her. Not choosing to submerge myself into lesbian clichés, I must admit I am a woman and the feeling of motherhood tends to kick in at times. Throw that instinct into a lesbian couple and you get double the anxiety. The question is: How is it possible to start a family with your lesbian partner when you live in Lebano
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