
Quit While You’re Ahead!

Why quit? Quitting smoking lowers many health risks, which include: lung cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, infertility for men and… more »

Readers' Corner

Alex (2)

This is the second part of Alex’s story. To find out what happened previously, click here “Skyler…?” Alex mumbled, as if his brain… more »

Featured Articles

BASMA: A New LGBT Group In Morocco

 On the 09/Jan/2011 a new LGBT group was established in the Kingdom of Morocco under the name of (BASMA) or the Moroccan… more »

Arabic عربي

رسالة مؤجلة

بالتعاون مع قدينا أذكر أرامكس، وصناديق الهدايا ما بين نابلس وحيفا. أذكر رائحتك التي كانت تسبقك قبل أن أفتح أي صندوق نيسان أقسى… more »

Lead Story

!بخصوص تريد إسقاط النظام

لم يمض أكثر من أسبوع على أحداث ثورة تونس حتى بدأت أنباء ثورة مصر تدوي في كل أنحاء العالم. #Jan25 أمضى فريق بخصوص… more »

Featured Articles

Was Jafar Panahi Arrested For His Queer Activism?

On January the 26th, 2011, Centre Sofil screened “Offside”, the third film of the tribute to the Iranian director Jafar Panahi. The film… more »

Poetry, Ramblings & Fiction

A La Libanaise

Durant ma recherche de campagnes publicitaires, cette affiche m’a attirée énormément. C’est une page de magazine faisant partie d’une grande campagne française combattant… more »

Bayneh w Baynik

Bayneh W Baynik: On Meem, Lesbians, & Privilege

Inspired by the popular site Post Secret, we created the “Bayneh w Baynik” section in Bekhsoos to allow people to speak their mind and… more »