
“يصطادوننا لمتعتهم”

الكويت: يجب وقف انتهاكات الشرطة لحقوق النساء متحولات الجنس قانون “التشبه بالجنس الآخر” يؤدي إلى التعذيب والتوقيف التعسفي كانون الثاني 15, 2012 (مدينة… more »

Trans Column

From Amsterdam To Reality

The Legal and the Medical; to some, these are two different domains, but to a transperson in Lebanon, these are twins that always go together.
As some may know, in the ICD

Featured Articles

Transsexuality Through Nan Goldin’s Lens

Nan Goldin is an American photographer known for her documentary style photographs. Most of her work is a biography of the life of… more »


With All Due Respect

My parents taught me how to introduce myself to people. Easy enough the formula was: Greetings, my name is… Later on in school,… more »

Lead Story

Transsexuality in the Spotlight

There’s been a number of media articles, video reports, and studies the past couple of weeks about transsexuality and transgender identities. New TV did an interview report with two transgenders, male and female. You can watch it below. The Daily Star published a feature entitled “Transgenders Lead an Alternative Life in Lebanon.” Both were done with a supportive angle. And perhaps most importantly, the Legal Agenda published an article (Arabic) on the legalities of sex change in identification papers in Lebanon, citing some valuable references.

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يوميات شاب ترانس في الأمن العام

كلنا عنا تجارب ومغامرات مع الدوائر الرسمية، وكلنا مرقنا بتجربة إنهاء معاملة باسبور أو إمضاء ورقة كاتب عدل أو مالية أو ضمان. أكيد… more »

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La transsexualité dont l’appellation exacte est transsexualisme se trouve victime de son nom de par la présence du mot « sexe » ou « sexualité » dans… more »

Poetry, Ramblings & Fiction

Super Hero

He puts on his suit: A mix of black and blue; he sets his weapons, programs his ship and gets in it. He… more »