Yesterday, I was at the airport looking at the arrival screen; my friend’s plane had just landed and he was about to come… more »
Breaking the Silence about our Bodies
As part of the “One Day, One Struggle” 2010 campaign to promote sexual and bodily rights in Muslim societies, Nasawiya, Helem and Meem… more »
One Day, One Struggle: Promoting Sexual and Bodily Rights with a Video Campaign
November 9 marks the annual international “One Day, One Struggle” campaign, a unique effort to underscore the joint struggle against the violation of… more »
“يوم واحد، نضال واحد: “بخصوص جسمك؟
تحتفل “بخصوص” بهذا العدد بحملة “يوم واحد، نضال واحد” الدولية السنوية التي تركز على الحقوق والحريات الجنسية والجسدية، لتعرض على القراء والقارئات ما حصل يوم أمس احتفالا بالتاسع من نوفمبر/تشرين الأول.
One Day, One Struggle: Activities Around the World
Under the slogan “Sexual Rights are Human Rights!” organizations around the world have been or will be organizing a variety of activities and… more »
What did you think of the NTV and FTV shows on homosexuality in Lebanon?
Over the past two weeks, two Lebanese TV stations ran shows tackling homosexuality in Lebanon.
Helem Speech at IGLTA symposium, Beirut, 14 October 2010
Good evening, First of all, I would like to welcome you to Beirut, and hope you enjoy your stay here as a tourist… more »
What is Your Life Worth?
Near my friend’s house in New York, there are always groups of people posing for pictures. I see them across the street as… more »
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