Nasawiya: Celebrating A New Feminist Space in Beirut!

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On Friday, August 20, 2010, an overjoyed crowd of feminists gathered at Nasawiya’s new space in Beirut to celebrate its much-anticipated inauguration.

During the evening, while many raised their glasses to bridge past initiatives with those to come, others played baby-foot, or indulged in tarot reading sessions. Nevertheless, the highlight of the evening was SoliRose’s intense and moving live ceremonial performance.

SoliRose – whose core members are Samia Abou-Samra and Nia Witherspoon – is an emerging ceremonial music venture which seeks to enact home/culture-making in Diaspora by calling on the power of the ancestral lines, and the lands that shaped them. With explicit influences from Lebanon/the Levant, Turkey, North and West Africa, and Flamenco, SoliRose, named after Samia and Nia’s grandmothers and great-grandmothers, seeks to recombine the diversity of musical styles in a way that organically reflects their actual crossings, in both the old world and in the new.”

Where sexism, racism, heteronormativity, and classism often pass as the norm, Nasawiya’s new space is a beam of light that looks promising enough to embrace feminists in a vibrant atmosphere of activism.

With Nasawiya’s bright feminists, we trust that the revolution can only go forth.

On behalf of the Bekhsoos team, congratulations, Nasawiya!


Nasawiya is now located on Chahrouri Street, Braidi Building, 1st Floor, Facing “Laure Mghayzel High-School for Girls” – Ashrafieh.

For more information on Nasawiya, please click here.

Shant is a half-breed in a mutation process. She enjoys her coffee with a few drops of amaretto and her pickles with hot cocoa. She also has compulsive movie-watching binges, which make her speak in movie quotes. She fancies punk cabaret and lives her life pretending it’s an ongoing edit of a film.

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