مقولة “الجموع” هي الأفق الذي يقابل اليوم مفهوم “الاختلاف الجنسي” في نظريّة الكوير وحركته على الأقلّ عندما أطلقت سيمون دي بوفوار سنة 1949… more »
Pinkwashing Assad?
This week Bekhsoos has the pleasure to feature an article from the blog “A Gay Girl in Damascus“. Amina, writer and owner of… more »
هي، وهي، والتلفزيون
عدة سنوات قطعت وأنا بحال الانسان المعلَق بحبال الهوى. بحبّك وبضحكلك وبسايرك، وفجأة بعصبّ وبتمردّ على حبّي الك وبهرب منّك. وبرجعلك. صارت علاقتنا،… more »
غلامة غاضبة
ما بعرف ليش الله بعد ما كب بارود عهالبلد، بشو صدوم وعمورة أسوأ منّا؟ من أعلى نسب السفاهة والتحرّش والإعتداء الجنسي بالشوارع العامة… more »
Bayneh W Baynik: On Androgynous Barbies, Orgasms, and Vagina Cakes.
Inspired by the popular site Post Secret, we created the “Bayneh w Baynik” section in Bekhsoos to allow people to speak their mind and open their hearts anonymously with postcards,
Bekhsoos esmik:
Her name is inspired.
I cannot divulge from where or by what, but it is a beautiful name. It is a name I always wanted to own.
Bekhsoos shaklik:
Her whole figure is appealing.
Call For Papers: Transgender Feminism
Can there be a multi-gendered feminism? MP journal seeks submissions that explore the many facets of transgendered feminism. How do transgendered people experience, embrace, reject, or practice feminism?
International Day Against Homophobia: Between the Western Experience and the Reality of Gay Communities
The anti-homophobia discourse is being used for other oppressive ends too Haneen Maikey and Sami Shamali The 17th of May is the International… more »