I Really Want to Lick a Pussy
26,076 viewsMany of the sex conversations I have had with friends who have just recently tried licking a pussy (the actual term is cunnilingus; in case you were wondering) have almost always started with: “I can’t go down on a woman, it smells weird, it tastes funny, it is disgusting, I will never be able to do it.” Understandable for someone’s first time; we’ve all been there. But then they follow that introduction with a “I REALLY wanted to, though.” That’s when I go all ‘Vagina Monologues’ on my friends and ask them what they think about their own smell or taste. Their responses? Blank faces.
Surely enough, 10 minutes later I learn that most have not only never smelled or tasted themselves, they also have never held up a mirror and properly looked around at their vaginas. Then of course, there is the group that says, “I’m not going to allow anyone to lick me, because I think it is disgusting.”
Whatever the reason for this uneasiness about pussies is, everyone in the aforementioned groups has one thing in common: they just want to get over their pussy fear and dive in headfirst (literally).
So here are a few tricks…
1) Shower. Grab her and jump into the shower together. a) It’s very sexy and exciting, and b) everything will feel, taste, and smell fresher after a shower.
2) Grab a mirror and explore. Know what you look like so the next time you look down someone else’s pants it won’t feel so alien.
3) Get to know your own smell and taste. Next time you masturbate try to take a break and get to know your own juices. You’d be surprised how much you can learn about yourself that way, and how much it will help the next time you’re about to go down on a woman.
Women are so different… they taste different, they smell different, they look different, and they also feel different. Your own smell and taste also differs depending on your mood, your last period and how long ago it was, and sometimes the food you eat.
Your fluids are made out of whatever you put in your body; too much salt, garlic, or onions may make you smell more like onion and taste saltier (I am not saying this is always the case, but it happens and different bodies react differently). They say fresh pineapples will give the fluid an interesting “flavour” – with added value, pineapples are an aphrodisiac. If you’re just getting off your period or are about to get one, then your scent will be different, stronger.
Hair is also important. If you don’t like the odors then you need to trim or shave (preferably trim because some hair is good to protect your vagina from some external pathogens, but shaving is also fine); hair will enhance the smell.
Let’s say you are past the “I’m-not-getting-anywhere-near-that” state and are down and ready to go. Some people (me for example) gag; I was about to throw up my first time so I stopped and moved on to different things. Some have no idea what the hell they’re doing and have a hard time figuring out if their partner is enjoying it. The simplest solution is to ask! I know we all like to think we are gods in bed, but truth of the matter is that none of us are. Communication! Ask her what she likes, or better yet, ask her to show you.
Masturbate. Before thinking of how to please others and how others will please you, learn how to please yourself. Explore your own body and find out what you like and don’t like. Next time you’re having sex, say them out loud. What works for you though may not work for others, so always ask your partner if what you’re doing feels good. Another important thing is to be attentive to her reaction; faster breathing rate & moans are good things.
Last but not least, be comfortable! Whether you are on the giving or the receiving end of things, you need to be comfortable and help your partner feel that way. Remember that this is one of the most intimate positions and only your gynecologist has seen you this up close and personal. It takes a lot of trust for your partner to allow you to go down on her, the same way it may be hard for you.
A few years of experience, lots and lots of masturbation, and one person that finally got me to completely let go later, I finally find a woman’s pussy the most beautiful thing ever. I don’t care anymore if it’s shaved, trimmed, hairy, or how strong the smell is. I started to find women and everything about them beautiful for whatever and however they are… I learned that I need to feel good about myself and that I need to trust my partner with my life before trusting her with my vagina. That is when my sex life started becoming amazingly orgasmic… but hey, that’s just me… to each their own.
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