Bareed 3a Mahlo

Omit The Question Mark

Since I’ve started university, I’ve had considerably less time to do certain things I used to before; and when I say “before,” I… more »

Lead Story

Let it Flow

Menstruation is generally seen as an embarrassing issue; it is not exactly the best subject to bring up in a public conversation. The subject, if treated, is addressed in a technical way explaining to the girl who faces it for the first time only the physiological aspects of the changes in her body. Menstruation becomes therefore the inconvenient part of being a woman, and the price to be paid for the ability to give birth.

In our society, menstruation is treated as a medical issue and its unpleasant “symptoms” are “cured.” We have been convinced that everything we experience through our biology as women (menstruation, pregnancy and menopause) needs to be medically managed via hormones, surgery and drugs. [...]

Featured Articles

I Really Want to Lick a Pussy

Many of the sex conversations I have had with friends who have just recently tried licking a pussy (the actual term is cunnilingus;… more »

Bareed 3a Mahlo

انت مثلية… افتحيلي شمبانيا

شو صعبة كتابة هالمقال!!
مش لأنو ما بعرف شو بدّي اكتب، بس لأنو ما عندي أحرف عربي ع زرار الكيبورد. عم بَصِّر. منيح في باكسبايس. ع هالمنوال، رح اخلص بكرا!
المهم انو رح احكي عن المرة يللي خبرّت فيها حالي اني “اوموسيكسويل”… مش اوتوسيكسويل الكميون، لأ، اوموسيكسويل، يعني مثلية الجنس.