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Bi And The City III: Frexes

Assuming some of your Friday night dates have gone well, some must have lead into relationships. Assuming again that some of these relationships… more »


A Lesbian Story

Readers' Corner

Alex (1)

She was thrusting herself over him, both her hands clutching his firm, broad shoulders for dear life. Her mouth was agape; she was about to enter orgasm. His cock had fully penetrated

Personal Stories

وعيت قبلك

قلتيلي اليوم “كل مرة بوعى قبلك” وضحكنا.

ضحكتلك، بس ما قلتلك انو في مرة، مرة وحدة، وعيت فيها قبلك.

يومها، شفت جفونك، ورموشك، وخدك الشمال، وهيدا الخط الرفيع اللي حول زاوية شفافك.