Bareed 3a Mahlo

Omit The Question Mark

Since I’ve started university, I’ve had considerably less time to do certain things I used to before; and when I say “before,” I… more »


To Be a Man In This Society

This is not the story of my life. It’s only a fraction of the daily struggles I have to face. I live in… more »

Personal Stories

The Ugly Duckling

Growing up in a house where I could always relate to the “Ugly Duckling” story, isn’t that fun? Ever since I was born,… more »

Featured Articles

رحلة على ملعب الضحية

إستبدال “ضحية” بـ”ناجية”، إستبدال صورة “الطفل الصومالي اللي عم يموت من الجوع” بصورة “إمرأة صومالية ناجحة”. إستبدال خطاب الإستضحاء المثلي بخطاب الكرامة المثلية.… more »

Trans Column

23-Year-Old “Virgin”

I have long been perplexed by the type of sex advice I have received from my friends. Why not give it a try,… more »

Featured Articles

Le Prêt-à-Porter et Prêt-à-Juger

Voilà: je ne me maquille pas! Un jour où j’avais mis fièrement une fine couche de fond de teint, une touche de mascara et un soupçon de rouge à lèvres, mon oncle me demanda, le plus sérieusement au monde : pourquoi tu ne te maquilles jamais?

Featured Articles

!اذا مع بنت غير… اذا مع شاب غير

عندما كنت في صف الروضة، أراني صديقي عضوه قائلا شوفي شو عندي! فوضعت اصبعي منتصبا على شكل عضو ذكري بين فخذيّ وقلت له: وأنا شوف شو عندي! يومها عدت الى المنزل وسألت أمي لماذا لا أملك عضوا كصديقي، فضحكت وقالت لي “بكرا بيطلعلك”.

Lead Story

The Bars in a No-Holds-Barred Life

I didn’t know why I was feeling so overwhelmed.
I didn’t know why I had a growing lump lodged in my throat.
I didn’t know why I was feeling so ill-at-ease with myself.
I didn’t know why I broke down in tears the moment I went into my gynecologist’s clinic for a much-delayed check-up.
I didn’t know why I didn’t want him to examine me, even though he’d examined me many times before.
I didn’t know why I felt a silent revolution burning inside me.