Poetry, Ramblings & Fiction

Chapter 3: La Vie

Out of college. Out of Grace’s apartment. Out of Toronto.
Into mediocre office job in some firm some place. Into tiny house with tiny backyard. Into Montreal.
She took up poetry to fill in the mountains of free time she had on her hands.

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Who Are Your Parents?

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Around the World

…المكسيك “تفرح” ب 88 مثليا وأخبار دولية أخرى

المكسيك “تفرح” ب 88 مثليا نقلت وكالة “الأسوشييتد برس” خبر زواج 44 زوجا من مثليي الجنس في مدينة مكسيكو سيتي خلال الشهر الماضي. وتعد… more »

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Baby Blues: An Exploration of Queer Parenting in Lebanon

Although I demonstrated at the Israeli embassy in New York in July 2006 and obsessively sought out Lebanese falafel while living abroad in… more »