The International Day Against Homophobia is a yearly occasion to remind the world that the fight for gay rights is not over yet.… more »
On Queers and Political Movements
As we approach our 6th annual celebration of the International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) on May 17 (now a tradition of the Lebanese LGBT community), it is important that we reflect on the particular significance of the event this year within the wider political atmosphere in Lebanon. LGBT activists have been involved in the recent anti-sectarian movement as participants, organizers, and critical observers, and our involvement, predictably, has not passed without clashes and antagonism.
Lebanese LGBT Bloggers Unite To Speak Out Against Homophobia
Save the date: May 17th – The International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) Lebanon might not have a flashy gay parade with rainbow flags… more »
Tb Pourquoi Une Fille?
Tb pourquoi une fille? Pourquoi à 11 ans ?! La date prévue dès ma naissance. La date illustre de la vie de chaque… more »
سلسلة “حبر الأيام”: خطوة إلى الأمام
تستضيف “بخصوص” في هذا العدد الجزء الرابع من سلسلة “حبر الأيام” التي تروي قصة حقيقية بقلم بطلتها شخصيا، على أن تتابع تشر الأجزاء… more »
In 5 Steps: From F to M
The following are transition steps from Female to Male (FTM) the way I see it, based on my own experiences and point of view.
Call For Papers: Lesbians, Sexuality, And Islam
Call for Contributors—please consider or let your friends and colleagues know! The Journal of Lesbian Studies will be devoting a special issue to… more »
Bi And The City III: Frexes
Assuming some of your Friday night dates have gone well, some must have lead into relationships. Assuming again that some of these relationships… more »
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