Seven Reasons Why I Hate Mother’s Day

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1. Because it’s an orgy of flowers and gifts in a consumerist driven society (not that I have anything against orgies!) It contributes into a more entrenched capitalist and materialistic mentality, and also discriminates against people who cannot afford any of the expensive gifts advertised on billboards and on TV. And it gives me the impression that flowers, jewelry, and vacuum cleaners are the only gift ideas to consider.

2. Because it reinforces gender binaries, especially the mother versus father dichotomy. The mother, as opposed to the strong father, is represented as the tender, innocent and weak being in the family. She is often emotional and dedicates all her life solely for serving her children and husband. Thus, this day is needed to pay tribute to her “sacrifices”, and to express our love and gratitude, once a year!

3. Because it reinforces gender roles and the idea that a woman’s role in society can only be fulfilled when she becomes a mother, as opposed to the inferior single woman; as if having children is of higher moral worth, and adds an intrinsic value to your humanity and more specifically to your “womanhood”. It appeals to the false theory of natural law that tries to assign social constructs as natural roles.

4. Because historically, Mother’s Day celebration was completely different. It actually started as radical feminist movement, called “Mother’s Day Proclamation” to empower women in shaping their societies at the political level. And now, it rather seems to promote sexism.

5. Because I am queer, and I also never want to have children. Motherhood is so overrated, and is one of the tools of patriarchy to project heteronormative values and keep excluding queers and labeling them “deviants”.

6. Because my mother and I have always been distant, due to the huge differences in our views. I’ve always felt that Mother’s Day was fake.

7. Because I’ve always liked the expression “Give me rights, not flowers!” on Mother’s Day.

Contributed by Lilith

Guest Contributor

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