Her elegance Lady Gaga released a new single entitled “Born this way”. As she considers her gay fans the basis of her success, Lady… more »
Alex (1)
She was thrusting herself over him, both her hands clutching his firm, broad shoulders for dear life. Her mouth was agape; she was about to enter orgasm. His cock had fully penetrated
Parler De Sexe
Cher(e)s lecteurs et lectrices,
Je tiens honnêtement à vous informer que cet article a uniquement été écrit parce que je voulais absolument utiliser le mot « parallélépipède ».
سجّلن… أنا عربية
أعلن اليوم أنني أنتسب عمدا وبإرادتي الحرة الى العرب كمتحررة الجنس, ككويرية كإنسانة تثور على جسدها من داخل جسدها فثارت على الحدود اللغوية والثقافية التي فُرضت عليها فلا تنفصل ثورة عن ثورة أو تمرد عن تمرد
How To Hide Your Friends On Facebook
This is our third article on online security tips for queers. Here is the first and second. For some, it might be helpful… more »
Self-defense: By Whom? From What?
Self-defense is an amazing tool to fight discrimination, by reacting to its violence in a creative and self-fulfilling way. It prevents the sense… more »
New: Sexual Health Brochure for Lesbian & Bisexual Women
Hot off the press is this new sexual health brochure produced by Meem with the support of Dr. Hasan Abdessamad. Make sure to… more »
Submit Your Sexy Photos!
They always say, a photo will last you longer. Have you ever thought of capturing what turns you on? Next week, Bekhsoos in… more »
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