This girl I love

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There is this girl, that I love,
Beautiful, cute, blows my mind away,
She is fun to hang out with,
very hard to hold on too,
she slips between my fingers,
Returns just like a dove.

There is this girl, that I love,
She will never know
Not now, not in a year,
Not in this life time.

There is this girl, that I love,
Rough and smooth at the same time,
Hard to hold on too, but always returns,
Easy to fall in love with, but hard to let go,
Always there for me, when I need her.

There is this girl, that I love,
I’m going to cheer for her at her wedding,
she is going to be the most beautiful bride ever,
I’m going to say a toast,
Wish her the best in life.

There is this girl, that I love,
I will love her kids, as they are mine,
Be there for her, be her best friend,
She is never going to know all this,
Because fear has conquered her life.

There is this girl, that I love,
She will put others before her,
When she wants something,
She will never fight for it.

There is this girl, that I love,
I wish her the best in life,
To be happy, to be safe,
To love, be loved.

There is this girl, that I love,
But I have a secret,
A wish I make when I blow out the candles,
I wish she could love me as well.

Contributed by Robie

Guest Contributor

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