
“يصطادوننا لمتعتهم”

الكويت: يجب وقف انتهاكات الشرطة لحقوق النساء متحولات الجنس قانون “التشبه بالجنس الآخر” يؤدي إلى التعذيب والتوقيف التعسفي كانون الثاني 15, 2012 (مدينة… more »


Walking With Our Heads Held High: International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2011

On Sunday the 22nd of May, Helem commemorated the 6th version of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) in Beirut. Over… more »

Featured Articles

On the Hypocrisy of Gay Activism

There has been an uproar recently about an incident that took place in Kayan, a popular bar in the Gemayze district of Beirut… more »

Featured Articles

Sex Workers Need Your Help To Prevent Violence

This past Friday was December 17, the International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers. Events including vigils and readings were held around the world in remembrance of sex workers who were killed because of their work.


We Are All Transgenders

This issue of Bekhsoos brings together stories by transgenders in our community. The idea came in light of the 12th annual Transgender Day of… more »

Gholam Abi Nawas

القالب غالب… فلنكسره

نهار السبت الماضي 23 اوكتوبر/ تشرين اول، تم الاحتفال بالمتحولات/ين والمغايريين/ات جنسيا وجندريا وثنائي/ات الجنس والجندر عالميا(Tran Identities i.e. Transexuals and Intersexed people). نظمت الحلقات الحوارية والنقاشات والاحتفالات والتظاهرات والتحركات لدعم هذه القضية في حوالي 60 مدينة

Lead Story

Une Journée Dans La Vie D’une Transsexuelle

Comme chaque jour normal, une transsexuelle normale se lève le matin pour aller travailler. Comme chaque matin devant sa glace, elle remercie le seigneur de lui avoir donné un travail. Certes ce travail lui permet à peine de subvenir à ses besoins et même si elle doit travailler dans un domaine qui ne va pas avec ses diplômes elle ne fait que se dire la chance qu’elle a d’avoir ce travail. Normal, puisqu’une transsexuelle dans un Liban hétéro-normatif


جندرات بلا حدود! مين قال الدني مرا ورجال؟

I strive to be a gender outside the gender binary، to break out of this duality and live as somethings else، mish 2usset transitioning physically from male to female، but rather to re-orient the way my body is defined. to take that into my own hands and not let it be placed inside the conceptual cage that those who cannot see outside their own cages place it in.