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10 Lebanese LGBT Publications

This week and next, we’ll be looking back at a decade of LGBT activism in Lebanon, counting down our favorite moments and analyzing our greatest accomplishments. As we turn a new page of a new year, we must also acknowledge all the work it took to get us here. We start with the Top 10 Lebanese LGBT publications that came out over the past 10 years. I cannot but stand in awe of the amazing feat accomplished collectively by individuals and organizations working for LGBT justice in Lebanon. Here they are in chronological order:

Arab LGBT News

إطلاق كتيّب: أحبهم… ولكن

قامت جمعية “العناية الصحية” وجمعية “حلم”  بالتنسيق مع التحالف العالمي لمكافحة السيدا  International Alliance Against AIDS في إطار برنامج التوعية للمثليين الرجال بإنتاج… more »