
Courir à Grands Pas

  Une course avec le temps à travers les lieux, c’est ainsi que je m’éloigne du passé. Des champs, des territoires, et des… more »

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حب على الحاجز العسكري

حادث فردي، توتر في المكان، اشتباكات عنيفة، أسلحة ثقيلة وخفيفة. انقسام في المنطقة، مسلحون يظهرون، والأهالي منقسمون، وخط تماس جديد يفصل تلك المنطقة… more »


To My 14-Year-Old Self: 14 Things to Make You Get Better

Dear 14-year-old me, I am the ‘ten years from now’ of whom you refused to conceive for an assignment for your favorite class.… more »

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Bayneh W Baynik Moved To Tumblr

  We created the “Bayneh w Baynik” section in Bekhsoos to allow people to speak their mind and open their hearts anonymously with… more »


ما بدّي تحبّيني

رح يصرلنا شي ثلاث أشهر ما شفنا بعض. وأنا ما بسترجي إحكيكي كرمال ما ضايقك. بنطر مرة بالشهر تسلمي عليي واتسائب. أنا ولا… more »


10 teabags exactly

June 2012 This is not a hotel room this is home for a week She asks me are you Turkish? Sitting in the… more »

bekhsos article second atempt


É o fado da saudade – Amalia Rodrigues  As an attempt to construct a coherent narrative through which to intellectualize my state of… more »

big fat lie

Skinny Jeans

  When I saw that TV ad, telling women you should lose weight to be happier and feel better, I convinced myself that… more »