Lead Story

Framing Visibility: Coming Out and the International LGBT Spectrum of Progress

In 2007, Meem was launched as a little lesbian support group in Lebanon. At the time, and after 4 years of trying to organize alongside a majority of gay men within the framework of LGBT public advocacy, we had understood that in order to create a strong and empowered movement, we were to create a safe space to ourselves as women first. We had also understood that for women to feel safe enough to explore, share, and experience their relationships with their sexuality, confidentiality and anonymity had to be key elements in our organizing.

Lead Story

March 26 in Surabaya

Like all our LGBT allies, we were deeply saddened by the homophobic attacks on the participants at the ILGA Asia conference in Indonesia. In solidarity and to raise awareness about what happened, we publish this first-person account by Mira Ofreneo from the Philippines.
Today is my birthday. It is half past five in the afternoon. We are hiding inside our ninth floor room in a hotel in Surabaya, Indonesia. A group of around 20 or 30 Islamic fundamentalist men have blocked the hotel lobby. Today was supposed to be [...]