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The Assassination of Omar Rajeh

A blender, a knife, fruits, and a man. That was the opening of the contemporary performance, “The Assassination of Omar Rajeh,” that was… more »

Lead Story

Mouhawala Oula

“Look! Sex and gender are separate!” I whispered to Judith Butler, shimmying shyly on my right. “Look! Women are learning femininity from a man!” I whispered to Judith Jack Halberstam, strutting hir stuff on my left. Both of them were struggling with the arm and wrist movements accompanying the belly dance. To tell the truth, in this class full of women, all of us moved like rusty robots compared to our lithe teacher, Alex. Still he was miraculously unwearied by us, taking struggling students under his wing like a mother hen. Eventually I lost patience with my untamable [...]